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The Center of SpaceTime and the Quantum support the Société Française de Physique in organizing the final round of the prestigious Les Olympiades de Physique France.

This national competition will see its finals held at the Aix-Marseille Université on the St Charles campus on January 31, 2025, and September 1, 2025. Twenty-five teams of exceptionally talented high school students will gather to present their innovative physics experimental projects, showcasing their creativity, scientific skills, and dedication.
As part of our ongoing commitment to nurturing young scientific talent, CSTQ will award a special prize to one outstanding team, which symbolizes our dedication to encouraging and supporting the next generation of scientists.

Centre pour la Recherche sur l’Espace, le Temps and le Quantum

Parc Maraveyre – Bat 1
Av des Dardanelles
13260 Cassis (France)