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How to apply

How to apply

The call for applications for the first cohort of Enrico Fermi Fellowships is now open! The submission deadline is October 16, 2024, at noon Marseille time (CET).

Applicants must fill out the dedicated form. Be sure to submit a complete application and visit our FAQ page or contact us for clarifications about the application process.

The proposed starting date of the fellowship must be between March 2025 and January 2026. The duration is expected to be less than two years, but we will exceptionally consider longer. 

We expect to award between 5 and 10 fellowships, depending on budget availability. Awards will not be disbursed to the fellow directly but to the institution at which the student is employed or otherwise legally affiliated. 

Before applying, please read the EFF terms and conditions page.

What do I need to apply?

The application form will ask you for the following details

Applicant Information

  • First name(s)
  • Last name(s)
  • Email address

Personal Information *

For statistical purposes only, not included in the selection process and not shared with anyone.

  • Gender: male/female/diverse
  • Birth date
  • Nationality
  • Current institution

Project Overview

  • Project title
  • Experimental supervisor (name, affiliation, email)
  • Theoretical supervisor (name, affiliation, email)
  • Proposed start date. The start date must be between March 2025 to January 2026 (included).
  • Proposed end date. The end date is flexible, with a maximum of three years.

Project Details

  • 1-page executive summary highlighting the key information and how the assessment criteria are satisfied
  • 1-4 pages research proposal
  • Supporting letter by experimental supervisor
  • Supporting letter by theoretical supervisor
  • 1-3 pages CV
  • Transcripts for all university level study, i.e., BSc, MSc, and PhD (if coursework is involved)
  • Institutional statement on official letterhead and signed by a university representative with signing authority for grant agreements. (Institutional support letter Template)
  • Precise budget based on template (EFF Budget Template)

Referees Suggestions

      • Full Name
      • Email
      • Affiliation

Note: These referees should not have any joint publications with the applicant or either of the two supervisors. These referees are indicative only. We may select different referees at our discretion.

Additional infos *

Awarded fellowships will be showcased in a dedicated section of the EFF website. To this end, the successful awardees will be subsequently asked to provide

  • Profile picture.
  • Short blog-post style text (up to 400 words) explaining the research project for non-experts.

How do I structure the budget?

A precise, reliable budget represents an important part of each EFF application. The awarded fellows will be asked to provide detailed expense reports annually throughout the disbursement of the award. To ease the process we created a downloadable budget template (EFF Budget Template) and we here provide information as complete as possible. Do not hesitate to contact us for further questions.


The maximum requestable amount is EUR 105K per year, divided as follows:

Student’s salary support

Up to EUR 75K per year for the student’s salary support and cost-of-education expenses for the purposes of the fellowship  (such as tuition, tuition waivers, and fees).

Research funds

Up to EUR 25K per year divided between the two supervisors involved as research funds for laboratory costs. 

Travel expenses

Up to 10% of the overall award’s budget per year for travel, conferences, relocation, and visa expenses for the fellow.


The awarded funds must be used only to fund the specific projects selected as part of the EFF program, not for coursework or other unrelated responsibilities.   

Notice that even if not included directly in the form, the hosting institution can claim a maximum of 10% of the fellowship as overhead to cover administrative costs. The details on how these overhead funds will be used by the hosting institution must be declared in the institutional statement and can be used to pay expenses of the following kind (the list is indicative):  

  • Rent, utilities (including phone and internet), maintenance, insurance (e.g., general liability, cybersecurity, and media liability), and other general facilities costs.
  • Clerical, administrative, legal, technical, information technology, and accounting services.
  • General use office equipment, lab instruments, or equipment not 100% dedicated to the grant or project.
  • Printers, mail services, and miscellaneous office supplies.