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EFF Terms and Conditions

Before applying, make sure you read the terms and conditions you and your institutions will need to agree upon:

Selection Criteria

Applicants for the Enrico Fermi Fellowship will be selected on the basis of the following criteria in order of descending priority:

  • The scientific merit of the project;
  • The significance of theory and experiments cross-training for the project’s success;
  • The capacities of the proposed faculty advisors to carry out the EFF, as evidenced in their letters endorsing the project, and the proposed budget;
  • The academic credentials of the proposed fellow;
  • The capacity and willingness of the applicant’s home institution to carry out the EFF.


Funding Information

The awarded funds will be used only to fund the specific projects selected as part of the EFF program, not for coursework or other unrelated responsibilities. The selected candidates will be entirely dedicated to research.

The awarded funds will be transferred to the hosting institution. Under no circumstances will the funds be transferred to the student directly. 

Budget Constraints

Each application must include a formal budget that specifies how the funds will be used and ensures that funds support only the proposed research. In particular, no more than 10% of that budget can go towards travel and lodging.

Expenses Report

Awardees will report on their activities and expenses annually and provide a detailed final report at the close of the fellowship. Also the supervisors research funds will be included in the reports.


The hosting institution can claim a maximum of 10% of the fellowship as overhead to cover administrative costs. The details on how these overhead funds will be used by the hosting institution must be declared in the institutional statement and can be used to pay expenses of the following kind (the list is indicative):

  • Rent, utilities (including phone and internet), maintenance, insurance (e.g., general liability, cybersecurity, and media liability), and other general facilities costs.
  • Clerical, administrative, legal, technical, information technology, and accounting services.
  • General use office equipment, lab instruments, or equipment not 100% dedicated to the grant or project.
  • Printers, mail services, and miscellaneous office supplies.


If you are awarded an EFF any Acknowledgment in any publication shall include the following:

<Name> acknowledges support by grant #63132 from the John Templeton Foundation, as recipient of an Enrico Fermi Fellowship awarded through the Center for SpaceTime and the Quantum. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the respective funding body.”