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Selection process

Key Dates


Call for Applications Deadline

Oct. 16, 2024

End of Preliminary Screen

Nov. 13, 2024

Referee Review Completion

Jan. 22, 2025

Final Ranking Announcement

Feb. 19, 2025

Selection Process

The application process involves four main steps. Applicants will be notified at the end of each step. 

Please refer to the EFF Team page for the complete and updated list of members of the EFF Managing Committee and the EFF Scientific Panel.

Preliminary Screening

The EFF Managing Committee initially screens applications for completeness and eligibility. This process will take up to 4 weeks from the end of the call for applications.

Referee Review

An external panel of referees selected by the EFF Scientific Panel examines the applications, providing overall advice. The review period lasts up to ten weeks. 


The EFF Managing Committee and EFF Scientific Panel compile the final ranking of the applicants following the advice of the referees. The criteria used to evaluate the applications are described here. Finally, the fellowships are awarded based on the ranking. The amount of fellowships awarded depends on the budget.


The fellowship winner has one week to accept or decline the offer. If declined, the next eligible applicant is considered. If accepted, they will arrange the fellowship transfer with the awardee’s institution, and the fellowship can officially start.