One or two years fellowships (exceptional three-years fellowships may be considered for compelling reasons).
The offer
What the EFF offers
A budget of EUR 105K per year maximum for salary support, travel allowance, and research funds for the supervisors.
A growing network of like-minded students, researchers, and institutions with mentoring and convening activities to support your professional development.
The EFF Network
Quarterly online meetings to establish a routine to share the fellows’ research and career experiences. Informal discussions as well as mentoring blocks to support fellows’ professional development. Members of the Scientific Panel will participate in these meetings and will be available for individual mentoring sessions.
In-person cohort meetings throughout the program’s duration organized by the respective cohort with support from the EFF administration. Varying format from retreats to workshops and conferences with external speakers, Scientific Panel members, and John Templeton Foundation representatives.
Showcase your project
A dedicated section of the Enrico Fermi Fellowship website to showcase the awardees’ projects, updated regularly throughout the fellowship. Increased visibility, inspiration, making complex research accessible to a broader audience.